In Loving Memory

Okay, so I had a weird moment today.  I called my Dr.’s office to schedule an appointment and the person was like, "Did you say Dr. Parks?  I’m sorry to inform you, but she passed away a couple weeks ago."  WHAT?!!!?  The woman that delivered my two boys passed away?!  She was in Colorado and had surgery for something.  Apparently it didn’t go well.  I scheduled to see another Dr. in the office.  The other two doctors are very busy taking all her patients so I can’t be seen until January.  After that shock of a phone call I immediately called Harris and told him the news.  He was shocked too.  All day I’ve been kind of still all What?! and can’t believe it.  It’s so sad.  She left behind a husband and two little kids.  Wow.  That’s gotta be rough.  I last saw her in August.  She was a great Dr.  I was very comfortable with her.  She will be missed.
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